How to Do a Smokey Eye in 3 Simple Steps

A smokey eye is one of the most classic and versatile makeup looks that can suit any occasion, from a casual day out to a glamorous night out. It can make your eyes look bigger, brighter, and more mysterious, and it can also enhance your natural eye color. But how do you create a smokey eye without looking like a panda or a raccoon? In this article, we will show you how to do a smokey eye in 3 simple steps, using only two eyeshadows, an eyeliner, and a mascara. You don’t need any professional skills or expensive products to achieve this stunning look. All you need is some practice and patience. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Apply a dark eyeshadow on the outer corner of your eye

The first step is to apply a dark eyeshadow on the outer corner of your eye, creating a V-shape that extends slightly beyond your crease. This will create depth and dimension to your eye, and also define your eye shape.

How to choose the right eyeshadow color for your skin tone and eye color

The dark eyeshadow color you choose should complement your skin tone and eye color, as well as match the mood and occasion of your look. For example, if you have fair skin and blue eyes, you can go for cool-toned colors like navy, charcoal, or purple. If you have medium skin and brown eyes, you can go for warm-toned colors like bronze, copper, or burgundy. If you have dark skin and green eyes, you can go for neutral-toned colors like black, brown, or taupe.

How to apply the eyeshadow with a brush or a sponge applicator

You can use either a small angled brush or a sponge applicator to apply the dark eyeshadow on your outer corner. Dip your tool into the eyeshadow and tap off any excess. Then, start from the outer corner of your lash line and draw a line upwards towards the end of your eyebrow. This will be the base of your V-shape. Next, draw another line from the outer corner of your crease towards the center of your eyelid. This will be the top of your V-shape. Finally, fill in the V-shape with more eyeshadow until you get the desired intensity.

How to blend the eyeshadow with a fluffy brush or your finger

The key to creating a smooth and seamless smokey eye is blending. You don’t want any harsh lines or edges that can make your look messy or unnatural. To blend the dark eyeshadow, you can use either a fluffy blending brush or your finger. Gently sweep your tool back and forth along the edges of the V-shape, using small circular motions. You can also blend upwards towards your brow bone and downwards towards your lower lash line, to create a soft and smoky effect.

Step 2: Apply a lighter eyeshadow on the inner corner and the center of your eyelid

The second step is to apply a lighter eyeshadow on the inner corner and the center of your eyelid, creating a contrast and a highlight that will make your eyes pop.

How to choose the right eyeshadow color for contrast and highlight

The lighter eyeshadow color you choose should contrast with the dark eyeshadow color, but also harmonize with it. For example, if you used a navy eyeshadow for the outer corner, you can use a silver or a champagne eyeshadow for the inner corner and the center. If you used a bronze eyeshadow for the outer corner, you can use a gold or a peach eyeshadow for the inner corner and the center. If you used a black eyeshadow for the outer corner, you can use a white or a beige eyeshadow for the inner corner and the center.

How to apply the eyeshadow with a brush or a sponge applicator

You can use either a small flat brush or a sponge applicator to apply the lighter eyeshadow on your inner corner and the center of your eyelid. Dip your tool into the eyeshadow and tap off any excess. Then, start from the inner corner of your eye and dab the eyeshadow along your tear duct and lower lash line. This will brighten up your eye and make it look more awake. Next, dab the eyeshadow on the center of your eyelid, covering about half of your lid. This will create a spotlight effect that will draw attention to your eye.

How to blend the eyeshadow with the dark eyeshadow and create a gradient effect

To create a smooth transition between the lighter and the darker eyeshadows, you need to blend them together and create a gradient effect. To do this, you can use either a small blending brush or your finger. Gently sweep your tool back and forth along the border where the two colors meet, using small circular motions. You can also add more of either color if needed, to adjust the intensity and balance of your look.

Step 3: Apply eyeliner and mascara to complete the look

The third and final step is to apply eyeliner and mascara to complete your smokey eye look. These two products will add definition and drama to your eye, and also enhance your lash volume and length.

How to choose the right eyeliner color and type for your smokey eye

The eyeliner color and type you choose should match your smokey eye style and preference. For example, if you want a more subtle and natural look, you can go for a brown or a gray eyeliner pencil that you can smudge with a brush or your finger. If you want a more bold and dramatic look, you can go for a black or a dark-colored liquid or gel eyeliner that you can draw with precision and sharpness. You can also experiment with different eyeliner shapes, such as winged, cat-eye, or smudged.

How to apply the eyeliner on the upper and lower lash line and waterline

To apply the eyeliner on your upper lash line, start from the inner corner of your eye and draw a thin line along your lashes, following their natural shape. You can make the line thicker or thinner as you go, depending on how dramatic you want it to be. You can also extend the line beyond your outer corner, creating a wing or a flick that will lift your eye. To apply the eyeliner on your lower lash line, start from the outer corner of your eye and draw a thin line along your lashes, stopping at about two-thirds of your eye. You can also smudge the line with a brush or your finger, to create a softer effect. To apply the eyeliner on your waterline, gently pull down your lower lid with your finger and run the eyeliner along the rim of your eye, filling in any gaps between your lashes.

How to apply mascara on the upper and lower lashes and curl them if needed

To apply mascara on your upper lashes, start from the base of your lashes and wiggle the wand upwards towards the tips, coating them evenly with mascara. You can repeat this step until you get the desired volume and length. You can also curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before applying mascara, to give them more curl and lift. To apply mascara on your lower lashes, hold the wand vertically and gently sweep it across your lashes, from side to side. You can use less mascara on your lower lashes than on your upper lashes, to avoid clumping or smudging.


Congratulations! You have just learned how to do a smokey eye in 3 simple steps, using only two eyeshadows, an eyeliner, and a mascara. You can now rock this gorgeous look anytime you want, whether it’s for work, school, or a night out. You can also customize your smokey eye by changing the eyeshadow colors, the eyeliner shapes, or the mascara types, to suit your mood and personality. The possibilities are endless!

We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who might also want to learn how to do a smokey eye. And if you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!


Q: What is the difference between a smokey eye and a smoky eye?

A: A smokey eye and a smoky eye are two different ways of spelling the same thing. They both refer to a makeup look that involves blending dark and light eyeshadows on the eyelid, creating a smoky effect. However, some people prefer to use the term smokey eye to describe a more glamorous and dramatic look, while others prefer to use the term smoky eye to describe a more subtle and natural look.

Q: How can I make my smokey eye last longer?

A: To make your smokey eye last longer, you can use some tips and tricks such as:

  • Applying an eyeshadow primer on your eyelid before applying the eyeshadows. This will help your eyeshadows adhere better and prevent them from creasing or fading.
  • Setting your eyeshadows with a translucent powder or a setting spray. This will help your eyeshadows stay in place and avoid smudging or transferring.
  • Choosing waterproof or long-wearing eyeliner and mascara. This will help your eyeliner and mascara resist water, sweat, or tears, and keep them from running or flaking.

Q: How can I remove my smokey eye makeup?

A: To remove your smokey eye makeup, you can use some products and methods such as:

  • Using an oil-based or a micellar makeup remover. This will help dissolve your makeup and remove it gently and effectively.
  • Using a cotton pad or a reusable makeup remover cloth. This will help wipe off your makeup without tugging or pulling on your skin or lashes.
  • Using a gentle cleanser and warm water. This will help wash off any remaining makeup residue and dirt from your face.
  • Using an eye cream or a moisturizer. This will help hydrate and nourish your skin and eyes after removing your makeup.

Q: How can I prevent my smokey eye from looking too heavy or dark?

A: To prevent your smokey eye from looking too heavy or dark, you can use some tips and tricks such as:

  • Choosing lighter or softer eyeshadow colors that suit your skin tone and eye color. This will help create a more flattering and natural contrast with your dark eyeshadow.
  • Blending your eyeshadows well with a fluffy brush or your finger. This will help create a smooth and seamless transition between the colors and avoid any harsh lines or edges.
  • Applying less eyeliner and mascara on your lower lash line and waterline. This will help balance out your upper lash line and avoid closing up your eyes.
  • Applying a highlighter on your brow bone and inner corner of your eye. This will help brighten up your eyes and make them look more open and awake.

Q: How can I make my smokey eye more fun or creative?

A: To make your smokey eye more fun or creative, you can use some ideas such as:

  • Adding some glitter or shimmer on your eyelid or lower lash line. This will help add some sparkle and shine to your look and make it more festive or glamorous.
  • Adding some color on your eyelid or lower lash line. This will help add some pop and personality to your look and make it more playful or edgy.
  • Adding some false lashes on your upper lash line. This will help add some drama and volume to your look and make it more stunning or sexy.

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