How to Find Your Skin Type and the Best Products for It

Your skin is the largest and most visible organ of your body, and it plays a vital role in protecting you from external factors, regulating your temperature, and sensing your surroundings. But did you know that your skin also has a unique type that determines its characteristics, needs, and preferences? Knowing your skin type is essential for taking good care of your skin and choosing the right products that suit it. In this article, we will show you how to find your skin type and the best products for it. You will learn what skin type is and why it is important to know yours, what are the four main skin types and how to identify them, what are the benefits of using products that suit your skin type, how to find your skin type, and how to choose the best products for your skin type. Let’s get started!

What is skin type and why is it important to know yours?

Skin type is a classification of skin based on its sebum production, hydration level, pore size, texture, sensitivity, and tendency to certain conditions. Sebum is the natural oil that your skin produces to lubricate and protect itself. Hydration is the amount of water that your skin retains or loses. Pore size is the diameter of the openings of your hair follicles on your skin. Texture is the smoothness or roughness of your skin surface. Sensitivity is the degree of reaction or irritation that your skin experiences when exposed to certain substances or stimuli. Conditions are the common problems or issues that your skin faces such as acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, etc.

Knowing your skin type is important because it helps you understand your skin better and take care of it accordingly. Different skin types have different needs and preferences when it comes to skincare products, ingredients, routines, or treatments. Using products that suit your skin type can help you achieve optimal results and avoid adverse effects such as dryness, oiliness, breakouts, redness, or aging signs.

What are the four main skin types and how to identify them?

The four main skin types are:

  • Normal: Normal skin has a balanced sebum production, hydration level, pore size, texture, sensitivity, and tendency to conditions. It is neither too dry nor too oily, neither too tight nor too shiny, neither too smooth nor too rough, neither too reactive nor too dull. It has few or no imperfections, fine lines, or discolorations. Normal skin is the ideal and most desirable skin type, but it is also the rarest and most difficult to maintain.
  • Dry: Dry skin has a low sebum production, hydration level, pore size, and sensitivity, but a high tendency to conditions. It is often tight, flaky, rough, dull, or itchy. It has more visible pores, lines, wrinkles, or cracks. It is more prone to dehydration, irritation, inflammation, or aging signs. Dry skin can be caused by genetic factors, environmental factors (such as cold weather, low humidity, or sun exposure), lifestyle factors (such as smoking, drinking, or stress), or skincare factors (such as over-cleansing, over-exfoliating, or using harsh products).
  • Oily: Oily skin has a high sebum production, hydration level, pore size, and tendency to conditions, but a low sensitivity. It is often shiny, greasy, sticky, or blemished. It has more enlarged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts. It is more prone to acne, congestion, or infection. Oily skin can be caused by genetic factors, hormonal factors (such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause), environmental factors (such as hot weather, high humidity, or pollution), lifestyle factors (such as diet, exercise, or sleep), or skincare factors (such as under-cleansing, over-moisturizing, or using oily products).
  • Combination: Combination skin has a mixed sebum production, hydration level, pore size, texture, sensitivity, and tendency to conditions. It is often oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dry or normal in the U-zone (cheeks and jawline). It has more varied pores, imperfections, or discolorations. It is more prone to imbalance, inconsistency, or confusion. Combination skin can be caused by genetic factors, environmental factors (such as seasonal changes or climate variations), lifestyle factors (such as stress, mood, or habits), or skincare factors (such as using incompatible products or changing products frequently).

What are the benefits of using products that suit your skin type?

Using products that suit your skin type can have many benefits for your skin health and appearance, such as:

  • It can help you address your specific skin concerns and goals, such as hydrating dry skin, controlling oily skin, balancing combination skin, or maintaining normal skin.
  • It can help you avoid potential skin problems and complications, such as irritating dry skin, clogging oily skin, confusing combination skin, or neglecting normal skin.
  • It can help you enhance your natural skin beauty and radiance, such as smoothing dry skin, mattifying oily skin, harmonizing combination skin, or preserving normal skin.

How to Find Your Skin Type

To find your skin type, you can use some methods such as:

  • How to do a simple skin type test at home
  • How to consult a dermatologist or a beautician for a professional skin type analysis
  • How to consider other factors that can affect your skin type such as age, climate, hormones, or lifestyle

Here are the steps to find your skin type using these methods:

How to do a simple skin type test at home

A simple and easy way to find your skin type at home is to do a skin type test using some items such as:

  • A gentle cleanser
  • A towel
  • Some blotting papers
  • A mirror

Here are the steps to do a simple skin type test at home:

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat it dry with a towel. Do not apply any moisturizer or other products on your face. Wait for about an hour for your skin to return to its natural state.
  • Take some blotting papers and press them on different areas of your face such as your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Check how much oil or dirt is transferred to the papers.
  • Look at your face in a mirror and observe its appearance, texture, and condition. Pay attention to any signs of dryness, oiliness, tightness, shininess, roughness, smoothness, redness, sensitivity, or imperfections.
  • Compare your results with the following descriptions and determine your skin type:
  • Normal skin: Your blotting papers have little or no oil or dirt on them. Your face looks clear, smooth, and radiant. You have few or no signs of dryness, oiliness, tightness, shininess, roughness, sensitivity, or imperfections.
  • Dry skin: Your blotting papers have little or no oil or dirt on them. Your face looks dull, flaky, and rough. You have more signs of dryness, tightness, peeling, cracking, itching, or irritation.
  • Oily skin: Your blotting papers have more oil or dirt on them. Your face looks shiny, greasy, and sticky. You have more signs of oiliness, enlarged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts.
  • Combination skin: Your blotting papers have more oil or dirt on some areas (such as your T-zone) and little or no oil or dirt on other areas (such as your U-zone). Your face looks uneven, patchy, and confused. You have more signs of oiliness and dryness on different parts of your face.

How to consult a dermatologist or a beautician for a professional skin type analysis

Another way to find your skin type is to consult a dermatologist or a beautician for a professional skin type analysis using some tools such as:

  • A magnifying lamp
  • A sebumeter
  • A corneometer
  • A pH meter
  • A skin scanner

Here are the steps to consult a dermatologist or a beautician for a professional skin type analysis:

  • Make an appointment with a dermatologist or a beautician who offers skin type analysis services. Prepare some questions or concerns that you have about your skin type or condition.
  • Go to the appointment and follow the instructions of the dermatologist or the beautician. They will examine your skin using various tools and methods to measure its sebum production, hydration level, pore size, texture, sensitivity, pH level, and tendency to conditions. They will also ask you some questions about your skin history, habits, preferences, and goals.
  • Listen to the feedback and recommendations of the dermatologist or the beautician. They will tell you your skin type and explain its characteristics, needs, and preferences. They will also suggest some products, ingredients, routines, or treatments that suit your skin type and help you achieve your skin goals.
  • Ask any questions or doubts that you have about your skin type or condition. The dermatologist or the beautician will answer them and provide you with more information and advice.

How to consider other factors that can affect your skin type such as age, climate, hormones, or lifestyle

A third way to find your skin type is to consider other factors that can affect your skin type such as age, climate, hormones, or lifestyle. These factors can change your skin type over time or temporarily, depending on their intensity and duration. Here are some examples of how these factors can affect your skin type:

  • Age: As you age, your skin tends to produce less sebum and lose more water, making it drier and less elastic. It also tends to develop more lines, wrinkles, sagging, or spots, making it more aged and damaged.
  • Climate: Depending on the temperature, humidity, or sun exposure of your environment, your skin can react differently. For example, cold weather can dry out your skin and make it more sensitive. Hot weather can increase your sebum production and make it more oily. Sun exposure can damage your skin and make it more pigmented or wrinkled.
  • Hormones: Depending on the fluctuations of your hormones due to puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or other conditions, your skin can change its sebum production, hydration level, sensitivity, or tendency to conditions. For example, high estrogen levels can make your skin more hydrated and plump. High testosterone levels can make your skin more oily and acne-prone.
  • Lifestyle: Depending on your diet, exercise, sleep, stress, smoking, drinking, or other habits, your skin can reflect your health and well-being. For example, a balanced diet can nourish your skin and make it more radiant. A regular exercise can improve your blood circulation and make it more oxygenated. A good sleep can repair your skin and make it more refreshed. A high stress can trigger your cortisol and make it more inflamed or dull.

To consider these factors, you should observe your skin regularly and notice any changes or reactions that it may have. You should also adjust your skincare products, ingredients, routines, or treatments accordingly, to suit your current skin type and condition.

How to Choose the Best Products for Your Skin Type

To choose the best products for your skin type, you should use some criteria such as:

  • The ingredients of the products
  • The texture or consistency of the products
  • The function or purpose of the products
  • The reviews or ratings of the products

Here are the steps to choose the best products for your skin type using these criteria:

How to choose the best cleanser for your skin type

A cleanser is a product that helps you remove makeup, dirt, oil, or impurities from your skin. It is the first and most important step of your skincare routine, as it prepares your skin for the following steps and products. To choose the best cleanser for your skin type, follow these steps:

  • Check the ingredients of the cleanser and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for hydrating ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, or aloe vera. If you have oily skin, look for oil-controlling ingredients such as salicylic acid, tea tree oil, or clay. If you have combination skin, look for balancing ingredients such as green tea, chamomile, or witch hazel.
  • Check the texture or consistency of the cleanser and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for creamy or milky cleansers that moisturize your skin and do not strip its natural oils. If you have oily skin, look for gel or foam cleansers that cleanse your skin thoroughly and do not leave any residue. If you have combination skin, look for micellar water or oil cleansers that remove both oil and water-based impurities and do not disturb your skin balance.
  • Check the function or purpose of the cleanser and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for gentle or hydrating cleansers that soothe your skin and do not irritate it. If you have oily skin, look for deep or exfoliating cleansers that unclog your pores and prevent acne. If you have combination skin, look for pH-balanced or multi-tasking cleansers that adapt to your skin needs and do not confuse it.
  • Check the reviews or ratings of the cleanser and look for ones that have positive feedback and high ratings from other users with similar skin types as yours. You can also ask for samples or testers before buying a full-size product, to see how it works on your skin.

How to choose the best toner for your skin type

A toner is a product that helps you balance your skin pH level, remove any remaining traces of cleanser or impurities, and prepare your skin for the next steps and products. It is the second step of your skincare routine, and it can also provide some additional benefits such as hydrating, soothing, or refreshing your skin. To choose the best toner for your skin type, follow these steps:

  • Check the ingredients of the toner and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for hydrating ingredients such as rose water, cucumber, or honey. If you have oily skin, look for oil-controlling ingredients such as witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice. If you have combination skin, look for balancing ingredients such as lavender, aloe vera, or mint.
  • Check the texture or consistency of the toner and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for liquid or spray toners that moisturize your skin and do not dry it out. If you have oily skin, look for gel or foam toners that cleanse your skin thoroughly and do not leave any residue. If you have combination skin, look for water or oil toners that remove both oil and water-based impurities and do not disturb your skin balance.
  • Check the function or purpose of the toner and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for nourishing or soothing toners that replenish your skin and do not irritate it. If you have oily skin, look for clarifying or purifying toners that unclog your pores and prevent acne. If you have combination skin, look for pH-balanced or multi-tasking toners that adapt to your skin needs and do not confuse it.
  • Check the reviews or ratings of the toner and look for ones that have positive feedback and high ratings from other users with similar skin types as yours. You can also ask for samples or testers before buying a full-size product, to see how it works on your skin.

How to choose the best moisturizer for your skin type

A moisturizer is a product that helps you hydrate, protect, and nourish your skin. It is the third and final step of your skincare routine, and it can also provide some additional benefits such as smoothing, brightening, or anti-aging your skin. To choose the best moisturizer for your skin type, follow these steps:

  • Check the ingredients of the moisturizer and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for moisturizing ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. If you have oily skin, look for lightweight ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, or green tea. If you have combination skin, look for adaptive ingredients such as squalane, ceramides, or peptides.
  • Check the texture or consistency of the moisturizer and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for rich or creamy moisturizers that lock in moisture and do not evaporate quickly. If you have oily skin, look for light or gel moisturizers that absorb fast and do not leave any greasy feeling. If you have combination skin, look for lotion or serum moisturizers that hydrate both dry and oily areas and do not clog your pores.
  • Check the function or purpose of the moisturizer and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for repairing or soothing moisturizers that heal your skin and do not irritate it. If you have oily skin, look for mattifying or regulating moisturizers that control your oil production and prevent acne. If you have combination skin, look for balancing or multi-tasking moisturizers that adjust to your skin needs and do not confuse it.
  • Check the reviews or ratings of the moisturizer and look for ones that have positive feedback and high ratings from other users with similar skin types as yours. You can also ask for samples or testers before buying a full-size product, to see how it works on your skin.

How to choose the best sunscreen for your skin type

A sunscreen is a product that helps you protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, such as sunburn, premature aging, or skin cancer. It is an essential product that you should use every day, regardless of your skin type, weather, or season. To choose the best sunscreen for your skin type, follow these steps:

  • Check the ingredients of the sunscreen and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, aloe vera, or vitamin E. If you have oily skin, look for oil-free ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or silica. If you have combination skin, look for non-comedogenic ingredients such as octinoxate, avobenzone, or octisalate.
  • Check the texture or consistency of the sunscreen and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for creamy or lotion sunscreens that moisturize your skin and do not dry it out. If you have oily skin, look for gel or spray sunscreens that absorb fast and do not leave any sticky feeling. If you have combination skin, look for fluid or powder sunscreens that hydrate both dry and oily areas and do not clog your pores.
  • Check the function or purpose of the sunscreen and look for ones that suit your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, look for hydrating or soothing sunscreens that replenish your skin and do not irritate it. If you have oily skin, look for mattifying or anti-shine sunscreens that control your oil production and prevent acne. If you have combination skin, look for balancing or multi-tasking sunscreens that adjust to your skin needs and do not confuse it.
  • Check the reviews or ratings of the sunscreen and look for ones that have positive feedback and high ratings from other users with similar skin types as yours. You can also ask for samples or testers before buying a full-size product, to see how it works on your skin.


Finding your skin type and the best products for it is not a difficult or complicated task, but a simple and rewarding one. By doing so, you can take better care of your skin and enhance its health and beauty. You can also save time, money, and effort by using products that suit your skin type and avoid products that do not. In this article, we showed you how to find your skin type and the best products for it. You learned what skin type is and why it is important to know yours, what are the four main skin types and how to identify them, what are the benefits of using products that suit your skin type, how to find your skin type, and how to choose the best products for your skin type.

We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who might also want to learn how to find their skin type and the best products for it. And if you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!


Q: How can I tell if a product suits my skin type or not?

A: Some signs that a product suits your skin type or not are:

  • It does not cause any adverse reactions such as redness, itching, burning, swelling, or peeling on your skin.
  • It does not make your skin too dry or too oily, too tight or too shiny, too smooth or too rough, too reactive or too dull.
  • It improves your skin condition and appearance such as hydration, elasticity, clarity, radiance, or smoothness.
  • It helps you achieve your skin goals such as preventing or treating acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, or sensitivity.

Q: How can I change my skin type or improve it?

A: Some tips to change your skin type or improve it are:

  • Follow a regular and consistent skincare routine that suits your skin type and needs.
  • Use products that contain ingredients that target your specific skin concerns and goals.
  • Avoid products that contain ingredients that can harm or irritate your skin such as alcohol, fragrance, sulfates, or parabens.
  • Protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen every day and wearing hats, sunglasses, or clothing that cover your skin.
  • Hydrate your skin from the inside by drinking enough water and eating fruits and vegetables that contain water.
  • Nourish your skin from the inside by eating a balanced diet that contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats that benefit your skin.
  • Exercise regularly to improve your blood circulation and oxygen delivery to your skin cells.
  • Sleep well to allow your skin to repair and regenerate itself.
  • Manage your stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises.

Q: How can I find out more about my skin type or products?

A: Some ways to find out more about your skin type or products are:

  • Read blogs, magazines, books, or articles about skincare trends, tips, tricks, or reviews.
  • Watch videos, tutorials, demos, or reviews on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or other platforms.
  • Follow skincare experts, influencers, celebrities, or brands on social media or websites.
  • Join online or offline communities, forums, groups, or clubs of skincare enthusiasts or professionals.
  • Take online or offline courses, classes, workshops, or seminars on skincare techniques or skills.

Q: How can I test new products on my skin before using them?

A: Some tips to test new products on your skin before using them are:

  • Read the labels or the packaging of the products for any instructions, warnings, or precautions.
  • Check the ingredients of the products for any allergens, irritants, or comedogens that can cause reactions on your skin.
  • Do a patch test by applying a small amount of the product on a discreet area of your skin such as your wrist, elbow, or behind your ear. Wait for 24 hours and observe if there is any redness, itching, burning, swelling, or peeling on your skin. If there is, stop using the product and consult a dermatologist. If there is not, you can proceed to use the product on your face.
  • Start with a small amount of the product and gradually increase it as your skin gets used to it. Avoid using too many new products at once or changing your products too often, as this can confuse or overwhelm your skin.

Q: How can I make my own products for my skin type at home?

A: Some tips to make your own products for your skin type at home are:

  • Use natural or organic ingredients that are safe and beneficial for your skin such as honey, oatmeal, yogurt, avocado, cucumber, lemon, etc.
  • Follow simple and easy recipes that you can find online or in books that match your skin type and needs.
  • Store your homemade products in clean and airtight containers and keep them in a cool and dry place away from heat, light, or moisture.
  • Use your homemade products within a short period of time and discard them if they change their smell, color, or texture.

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