The Ultimate Guide to Contouring and Highlighting for Beginners

Contouring and highlighting are two makeup techniques that can enhance your facial features, create dimension and shape, and give you a flawless and radiant complexion. Whether you want to slim down your face, accentuate your cheekbones, define your eyes, or plump up your lips, contouring and highlighting can help you achieve your desired look. However, contouring and highlighting can also be intimidating and confusing for beginners, especially with so many products, tools, tips, and tutorials available in the market. How do you know which products to use, where to apply them, how to blend them, and what suits your face shape, skin tone, and occasion? In this article, we will guide you through the basics of contouring and highlighting and help you master these skills in no time.

How to contour and highlight your face shape

One of the most important factors to consider when contouring and highlighting is your face shape. Your face shape determines where you should apply the dark (contour) and light (highlight) shades on your face to create shadows and highlights that mimic natural bone structure. Here are some tips on how to determine your face shape and how to contour and highlight for different face shapes:

How to determine your face shape

Your face shape is the outline of your face as seen from the front. There are six common face shapes: oval, round, square, heart, diamond, and oblong. To determine your face shape, you can use one of these methods:

  • Method 1: Use a measuring tape or a ruler to measure the width of your forehead, cheekbones, jawline, and the length of your face from hairline to chin. Compare these measurements with these guidelines:
  • Oval: Your face length is longer than the width of your cheekbones. Your forehead is wider than your jawline. Your jawline is rounded.
  • Round: Your face length is almost equal to the width of your cheekbones. Your forehead and jawline are rounded and similar in width.
  • Square: Your face length is almost equal to the width of your cheekbones. Your forehead and jawline are angular and similar in width.
  • Heart: Your face length is longer than the width of your cheekbones. Your forehead is wider than your cheekbones and jawline. Your chin is pointed.
  • Diamond: Your face length is longer than the width of your cheekbones. Your forehead and jawline are narrower than your cheekbones. Your chin is pointed.
  • Oblong: Your face length is longer than the width of your cheekbones. Your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are similar in width. Your chin is rounded.
  • Method 2: Use a mirror or a camera to take a front-facing photo of your face without any makeup, hair, or accessories. Trace the outline of your face on the mirror or the photo with a marker or an editing tool.

How to contour and highlight for different face shapes

Once you know your face shape, you can use it as a guide to contour and highlight your face. Here are some general guidelines on how to contour and highlight for different face shapes:

  • Oval: Your face shape is considered the ideal one because it is balanced and proportionate. You don’t need to contour or highlight too much, just enhance your natural features. Apply contour on the sides of your forehead, under your cheekbones, and along your jawline. Apply highlight on the center of your forehead, under your eyes, on the bridge of your nose, on the cupid’s bow of your lips, and on the center of your chin.
  • Round: Your face shape is circular and lacks definition. You need to contour and highlight to create some angles and slim down your face. Apply contour on the temples, along the hairline, under your cheekbones, and along your jawline. Apply highlight on the center of your forehead, under your eyes, on the bridge of your nose, on the cupid’s bow of your lips, and on the center of your chin.
  • Square: Your face shape is angular and strong. You need to contour and highlight to soften some edges and add some curves to your face. Apply contour on the corners of your forehead, under your cheekbones, and along your jawline. Apply highlight on the center of your forehead, under your eyes, on the bridge of your nose, on the cupid’s bow of your lips, and on the center of your chin.
  • Heart: Your face shape is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. You need to contour and highlight to balance out your features and create some symmetry. Apply contour on the sides of your forehead, under your cheekbones, and along your jawline. Apply highlight on the center of your forehead, under your eyes, on the bridge of your nose, on the cupid’s bow of your lips, and on the center of your chin.
  • Diamond: Your face shape is narrow at the top and bottom and wide at the middle. You need to contour and highlight to widen some areas and narrow some areas of your face. Apply contour on the sides of your forehead, under your cheekbones, and along your jawline. Apply highlight on the center of your forehead, under your eyes, on the bridge of your nose, on the cupid’s bow of your lips, and on the center of your chin.
  • Oblong: Your face shape is long and narrow. You need to contour and highlight to shorten and widen your face. Apply contour on the top and bottom of your forehead, under your cheekbones, and along your jawline. Apply highlight on the center of your forehead, under your eyes, on the bridge of your nose, on the cupid’s bow of your lips, and on the center of your chin.

How to blend and set your contour and highlight

After applying your contour and highlight, you need to blend and set them to create a seamless and natural look. Here are some tips on how to blend and set your contour and highlight:

  • To blend your contour and highlight, use a fluffy brush or a beauty sponge to gently buff and dab the product into your skin. Use circular motions for powder products and tapping motions for cream or liquid products. Make sure to blend the edges well and avoid any harsh lines or patches.
  • To set your contour and highlight, use a translucent powder or a setting spray to lock in the product and prevent it from moving or fading throughout the day. Use a large brush or a spray bottle to lightly dust or mist the product over your face. Make sure to use a light hand and avoid any cakey or oily look.

How to contour and highlight your eyes, nose, lips and chin

Besides contouring and highlighting your face shape, you can also contour and highlight other features of your face such as your eyes, nose, lips and chin. Contouring and highlighting these features can enhance their shape, size and definition and create different effects. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight your eyes, nose, lips and chin:

How to contour and highlight your eyes to make them look bigger, brighter and more defined

Your eyes are one of the most expressive and attractive features of your face. You can contour and highlight them to make them look bigger, brighter and more defined. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight your eyes:

  • To contour your eyes, use a matte brown eyeshadow or an eyeliner that is one or two shades darker than your skin tone. Apply it along your upper lash line, extending it slightly beyond the outer corner of your eye. Apply it also along your lower lash line, connecting it with the upper line at the outer corner. This will create a V-shape that will lift and elongate your eyes. You can also apply it on the outer half of your crease, blending it inward with a fluffy brush. This will create some depth and dimension to your eyes.
  • To highlight your eyes, use a shimmery champagne eyeshadow or an eyeliner that is one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. Apply it on the inner corner of your eye, blending it slightly along the upper and lower lash lines. This will brighten up your eyes and make them look more awake. You can also apply it on the center of your lid, blending it outward with a fluffy brush. This will add some sparkle and volume to your eyes. You can also apply it on the brow bone, blending it downward with a fluffy brush. This will lift up your eyebrows and define your eyes.

How to contour and highlight your nose to make it look slimmer, straighter and more balanced

Your nose is one of the most prominent and noticeable features of your face. You can contour and highlight it to make it look slimmer, straighter and more balanced. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight your nose:

  • To contour your nose, use a matte brown eyeshadow or an eyeliner that is one or two shades darker than your skin tone. Apply it along the sides of your nose, starting from the inner corner of your eyebrows and ending at the tip of your nose. Blend it well with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some shadows and make your nose look narrower and more defined. You can also apply it on the tip of your nose, blending it upward with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some depth and make your nose look shorter and more lifted.
  • To highlight your nose, use a shimmery champagne eyeshadow or an eyeliner that is one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. Apply it on the bridge of your nose, starting from the center of your eyebrows and ending at the tip of your nose. Blend it well with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some light and make your nose look straighter and more balanced. You can also apply it on the tip of your nose, blending it downward with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some shine and make your nose look more pointed and cute.

How to contour and highlight your lips to make them look fuller, plumper and more symmetrical

Your lips are one of the most sensual and attractive features of your face. You can contour and highlight them to make them look fuller, plumper and more symmetrical. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight your lips:

  • To contour your lips, use a matte brown lip liner or an eyeliner that is one or two shades darker than your lipstick shade. Apply it along the outer edge of your lips, following their natural shape. Blend it slightly inward with a lip brush or your finger. This will create some shadows and make your lips look fuller and more defined. You can also apply it on the corners of your mouth, blending it slightly upward with a lip brush or your finger. This will create some depth and make your lips look plumper and more lifted.
  • To highlight your lips, use a shimmery champagne lip gloss or an eyeliner that is one or two shades lighter than your lipstick shade. Apply it on the center of your upper and lower lips, blending it slightly outward with a lip brush or your finger. This will create some light and make your lips look fuller and more voluminous. You can also apply it on the cupid’s bow of your upper lip, blending it slightly downward with a lip brush or your finger. This will create some shine and make your lips look more symmetrical and cute.

How to contour and highlight your chin to make it look sharper, smoother and more proportionate

Your chin is one of the most important features of your face that affects its overall shape and balance. You can contour and highlight it to make it look sharper, smoother and more proportionate. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight

  • To contour your chin, use a matte brown eyeshadow or an eyeliner that is one or two shades darker than your skin tone. Apply it along the edge of your chin, blending it downward with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some shadows and make your chin look sharper and more defined. You can also apply it on the center of your chin, blending it upward with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some depth and make your chin look smoother and more lifted.
  • To highlight your chin, use a shimmery champagne eyeshadow or an eyeliner that is one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. Apply it on the center of your chin, blending it outward with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some light and make your chin look more balanced and proportionate. You can also apply it on the edge of your chin, blending it upward with a small brush or a beauty sponge. This will create some shine and make your chin look more pointed and cute.

How to contour and highlight for different occasions, seasons and skin tones

Besides contouring and highlighting your face shape and features, you can also contour and highlight for different occasions, seasons and skin tones. Contouring and highlighting can suit different moods, styles, personalities, events, etc. depending on how you apply them, how much you apply them, and what colors you use. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight for different occasions, seasons and skin tones:

How to contour and highlight for daytime, nighttime, casual or formal occasions

One of the factors to consider when contouring and highlighting is the occasion. The occasion can affect how you want to present yourself, how much makeup you want to wear, and what impression you want to make. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight for different occasions:

  • For daytime occasions, opt for a light and natural contour and highlight that enhances your features without looking too heavy or dramatic. Use a matte or satin finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them sparingly and subtly. Use neutral or warm colors that match your skin tone and undertone. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For nighttime occasions, opt for a dark and intense contour and highlight that transforms your features and makes them stand out. Use a matte or metallic finish for your contour products and a shimmery or glittery finish for your highlight products. Apply them generously and boldly. Use cool or dark colors that contrast your skin tone and undertone. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For casual occasions, opt for a fun and playful contour and highlight that expresses your personality and mood. Use any finish for your contour and highlight products depending on your preference and style. Apply them moderately and creatively. Use colorful or trendy colors that suit your outfit and accessories. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For formal occasions, opt for a polished and elegant contour and highlight that shows your professionalism and sophistication. Use a matte or satin finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them precisely and flawlessly. Use classic or neutral colors that match your outfit and jewelry. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.

How to contour and highlight for spring, summer, fall or winter seasons

Another factor to consider when contouring and highlighting is the season. The season can affect the weather, the lighting, the temperature, and the mood of the environment. Here are some tips on how to contour and highlight for different seasons:

  • For spring seasons, opt for a bright and sunny contour and highlight that reflects the freshness and vitality of nature. Use a glossy or balmy finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them lightly and softly. Use light pink, coral, peach or nude colors that mimic the flowers and fruits of spring. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For summer seasons, opt for a hot and spicy contour and highlight that matches the warmth and energy of the sun. Use a metallic or glittery finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them moderately and boldly. Use deep pink, coral, orange or brown colors that resemble the fire and earth of summer. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For fall seasons, opt for a rich and cozy contour and highlight that complements the colors and textures of the leaves. Use a matte or satin finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them generously and smoothly. Use deep pink, berry, red or wine colors that echo the fruits and berries of fall. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For winter seasons, opt for a cool and frosty contour and highlight that contrasts the coldness and darkness of the snow. Use a matte or metallic finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them sparingly and sharply. Use dark purple, plum, burgundy or chocolate colors that contrast the ice and snow of winter. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.

How to contour and highlight for fair, light, medium or deep skin tones

Another factor to consider when contouring and highlighting is your skin tone. Your skin tone can affect how your contour and highlight products look on your skin, how they blend with your skin, and how they match your undertone. Here are some tips on how to contour

  • For fair skin tones, opt for a soft and subtle contour and highlight that enhances your features without looking too harsh or unnatural. Use a matte or satin finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them sparingly and subtly. Use light pink, coral, peach or nude colors that match your skin tone and undertone. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For light skin tones, opt for a medium and smooth contour and highlight that defines your features without looking too heavy or artificial. Use a matte or satin finish for your contour and highlight products and apply them moderately and evenly. Use medium pink, berry, mauve or plum colors that match your skin tone and undertone. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For medium skin tones, opt for a deep and intense contour and highlight that transforms your features without looking too dark or exaggerated. Use a matte or metallic finish for your contour products and a shimmery or glittery finish for your highlight products. Apply them generously and boldly. Use deep pink, coral, orange or brown colors that match your skin tone and undertone. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.
  • For deep skin tones, opt for a dark and dramatic contour and highlight that makes your features stand out without looking too dull or flat. Use a matte or metallic finish for your contour products and a shimmery or glittery finish for your highlight products. Apply them generously and boldly. Use dark purple, plum, burgundy or chocolate colors that match your skin tone and undertone. Blend them well and set them with a translucent powder or a setting spray.


Contouring and highlighting are two makeup techniques that can enhance your facial features, create dimension and shape, and give you a flawless and radiant complexion. In this article, we have covered the basics of contouring and highlighting and given you some tips on how to contour and highlight your face shape, features, occasion, season, and skin tone. We hope this article has helped you master these skills and inspired you to experiment with different contouring and highlighting products, tools, tips, and tutorials.

Here are some FAQs about contouring and highlighting:

Q: How do I choose the right contouring and highlighting products for me?

A: There are many types of contouring and highlighting products available in the market, such as powders, creams, liquids, sticks, palettes, etc. The type of product you choose depends on your preference, skill level, budget, etc. Here are some general guidelines on how to choose the right contouring

  • Powders are easy to use, blend, and set. They are suitable for oily or combination skin types and for beginners or intermediate users. They give a matte or satin finish and a natural or smooth effect.
  • Creams are creamy, moisturizing, and buildable. They are suitable for dry or normal skin types and for intermediate or advanced users. They give a glossy or balmy finish and a sheer or natural effect.
  • Liquids are liquidy, pigmented, and long-lasting. They are suitable for all skin types and for advanced or expert users. They give a matte or metallic finish and a full or opaque effect.
  • Sticks are convenient, portable, and precise. They are suitable for all skin types and for beginners or intermediate users. They give a matte or satin finish and a medium or smooth effect.
  • Palettes are versatile, customizable, and multifunctional. They are suitable for all skin types and for intermediate or advanced users. They give a matte, satin, glossy, metallic, or glittery finish and a light, medium, full, sheer, natural, smooth, intense, or dramatic effect.

Q: How do I choose the right contouring and highlighting tools for me?

A: There are many types of contouring and highlighting tools available in the market, such as brushes, sponges, fingers, etc. The type of tool you choose depends on your preference, skill level, budget, etc. Here are some general guidelines on how to choose the right contouring and highlighting tools for me:

  • Brushes are precise, fluffy, and easy to clean. They are suitable for powder products and for beginners or intermediate users. They give a smooth and even application and blending.
  • Sponges are soft, bouncy, and easy to use. They are suitable for cream or liquid products and for intermediate or advanced users. They give a dewy and seamless application and blending.
  • Fingers are convenient, warm, and free. They are suitable for cream or liquid products and for beginners or intermediate users. They give a natural and effortless application and blending.

Q: How do I contour and highlight without looking cakey or unnatural?

A: There are some tips on how to contour and highlight without looking cakey or unnatural:

  • Use the right products, tools, colors, finishes, etc. that suit your skin type, tone, undertone, face shape, features, occasion,season, etc. Follow the guidelines in this article or consult a makeup expert for advice.
  • Use a light hand and apply your contour and highlight products sparingly and subtly. You can always build up the intensity and coverage later if needed.
  • Blend your contour and highlight products well and avoid any harsh lines or patches. Use a fluffy brush or a beauty sponge to gently buff and dab the product into your skin.
  • Set your contour and highlight products with a translucent powder or a setting spray to lock in the product and prevent it from moving or fading throughout the day.
  • Check your contour and highlight in different lighting conditions, such as natural light, artificial light, flash light, etc. to make sure it looks good and natural in all situations.

Q: How do I contour and highlight without using makeup products?

A: There are some ways to contour and highlight without using makeup products:

  • Use natural or organic products, such as coconut oil, cocoa powder, honey, etc. that can nourish and enhance your skin. However, be careful of any allergies or reactions and test the products on a small area of your skin first.
  • Use facial exercises, massages, or tools, such as facial rollers, gua sha, etc. that can stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and improve your skin elasticity and firmness. However, be gentle and avoid any bruises or injuries and consult a professional for guidance.
  • Use skincare products, such as serums, creams, masks, etc. that can hydrate, brighten, tighten, or lift your skin. However, be consistent and follow the instructions and recommendations of the products.

Q: How do I contour and highlight for different eye shapes?

A: There are some tips on how to contour and highlight for different eye shapes:

  • For almond eyes, opt for a classic contour and highlight that follows the natural shape of your eyes. Apply contour on the outer half of your upper lash line, crease, and lower lash line. Apply highlight on the inner half of your upper lash line, lid, lower lash line, and inner corner.
  • For round eyes, opt for a winged contour and highlight that elongates and lifts your eyes. Apply contour on the upper lash line, extending it slightly beyond the outer corner of your eye. Apply it also on the outer half of your lower lash line, connecting it with the upper line at the outer corner. Apply highlight on the lid, lower lash line, and inner corner.
  • For hooded eyes, opt for a smoky contour and highlight that creates some depth and dimension to your eyes. Apply contour on the upper lash line,blending it upward and outward with a fluffy brush. Apply it also on the lower lash line, blending it inward and outward with a fluffy brush. Apply highlight on the brow bone and inner corner.
  • For monolid eyes, opt for a gradient contour and highlight that creates some shape and definition to your eyes. Apply contour on the upper lash line, blending it upward with a fluffy brush. Apply a lighter shade of contour on the crease, blending it upward with a fluffy brush. Apply highlight on the brow bone and inner corner.
  • For downturned eyes, opt for a lifted contour and highlight that corrects and balances your eyes. Apply contour on the upper lash line, curving it slightly upward at the outer corner of your eye. Apply it also on the outer half of your lower lash line, curving it slightly upward at the outer corner. Apply highlight on the lid, lower lash line, and inner corner.
  • For upturned eyes, opt for a balanced contour and highlight that harmonizes and enhances your eyes. Apply contour on the upper lash line, curving it slightly downward at the outer corner of your eye. Apply it also on the inner half of your lower lash line, curving it slightly downward at the inner corner. Apply highlight on the lid, lower lash line, and inner corner.

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